In 1958, at its first Assembly in Hong Kong, Asian Church Women’s Conference (ACWC) launched the Fellowship of the Least Coin. At its second Assembly in Thailand in 1962, ACWC voted to make promotion of the FLC its primary outreach programme.

In collaboration with ACWC, East Asia Christian Conference (EACC), now known as the Christian Conference of Asia (CCA), were stewards of the FLC fund from 1958 to 1970.

In 1970, Shanti Solomon was named the Executive Secretary of both the FLC and ACWC. From 1970-1978, ACWC faithfully stewarded the FLC Fund.

Over the years, the FLC grew to become a truly global ecumenical movement. So, in 1979, the International Committee for the Fellowship of the Least Coin (ICFLC) was formed to administer the promotion and interpretation of the movement and act as the steward for the FLC Fund.

The ICFLC is grateful for the spirit of collaboration and solidarity as well as the decades of commitment shown by its ecumenical partners ACWC and CCA. Last but not least, the ICFLC is honoured to call Presbyterian Women USA the midwife of this global ecumenical movement for justice, peace, and reconciliation.